
Showing posts from October, 2023

me and pa pa been talking in non linear and where is my supper?

 there have been things, my mom went to a cyber mexico as obviously the earth blew up as pa pa said, all i know is i havent got my soup, cheese and crispy bread tonight - grown ups are mean imo, i have my dog that kinda belongs to Elona - my very manly mom, that isnt a mom of course as he is 100% man bones. be nice if i could see Jen and mom again if they havent done a thelma and Louise as you do if female, dad and elona would know how to sort it, i just have a female robot and no male role models about alot its difficult being a child king

Pa pa said the crew are naughty as it’s gone 6pm and I should keep away from them

 He might be right, they were all talking about drugs and drugs are banned on starship, I wish pa pa would speak to Elona they are meant to be married right? both are already too busy, maybe I will arrange marriage therapy for them, they are good parents, they were hanging from Saturday parties or something? - my pa pa has a sore pee pee as he got it stuck in an elevator all weekend mom said - I’m never using one again on the ship now, they sound dangerous. I will wait for Kilroy or scrappy Doo to update me via neuralink- I’m not a happy boy tonight and I miss my family. Unckle brocks hotdog was a good point of the day.

greg calling in Elon Musk says he is not my mom shocker!

 Yep he said he is a man, with man bones but I can call him Elona as a compromise. And in other news people on the Internet said he doesn’t own Mars, and okay why my mom planned a ship trip there years ago, he has set up the first robotic power plants up there so we can move in. So Dune, the capital city is located on top of Olympus Mons, so I think Elona owns it, and a book said he owned it, so case closed. We are still orbiting the moon, and heard pa pa is having fun on the Nero throne now, it’s a special place mom says, and like a toilet where pa pa communicates with with mr beast, which made it to Uranus pre Earth collapse, he sells chocolate bars to Venus people. Milk and cookies time fanks mom 𝕏 

Elon Musk my new mom and my pa pa have gone missing!

 He has taken my dad, alerts have been issued even #greggang in the other universe have said so, if “snugglebuns” (as Tilly, Zeb and Jen call him) hurts my pa pa in any way he won’t be my favourite mom no more, daddy said 5 years before he leaves me atleast - so this turn of events is very, very sus - I will ask #mrbeast or #Garyvee or Robert if my dad isn’t back in the cockpit green room on starship soon. Good news is we found the doggie 🐶( tied to an outpost) so see how that goes, it’s not the same since some cut off yet again, but daddy said the dog was my inheritance fund and on a wonky moon near Mars and he knows everything! Pa pa I miss you so much!  I wet my toga crying, and The robot fairy won’t touch it as she’s electric ⚡️ so I am sleeping in your old black jacket, your favorite one - left behind?! and using your cell phone covered in poop 💩 and broccoli 🥦 - I miss unckey brock too even if he smelled of charcoal 😩😞😭

Hemlo I am in my toga, lemon fairy bot dressed me today as Jen still in hospital

 I wonder what we we get for brekkie? I will do a search for Roman food, I am so excited 😆 pa pa says the togas are sacred artefacts so I can’t photo my mine, ai art robot seems to like fried eggs a lot did they have chickens in Rome? I will ask Elona or my new bestest, cool mom as he likes Rome dad says, and he plays a lire to my pa pa to send him to sleep when it’s time to go to bed.

Zeb calling in b4 bed

 Yawn 🥱 I have no interest in talking but lemon and others said come and talk. I had a few talking buddies, I have looked at spaces again they might be okay, I am looking

Hemlo I am still speaking too survivors

 It’s a bit awkward but I like them #Doge people, I didn’t do art classes at kindergarten again in back of ship, pa pa said Jen is in the decontamination module for 48 hours so I am eating my secret stash of Oreos nobody knows about…

Baby greg bloggy 2 pre breakfast - some survivors found on abandoned ship

 Good morning scrappy Doo picked up a SOS 🛟 from a spaceship 🚀 last night so they let me be communications expert as I can talk now, I don’t think they know what choccy milk is though so I will have to get papa or Elona out of the green room so I ask if we let them in, they might have bugs or be zombies 🧟‍♀️  Dragon Crew picked up Jen so hopefully she will be making me brekkie soon, she had enough donuts 🍩 to last a whole week and that is like forever.

Hi Bob the frog calling in, am I through to Starship please ? Re Jen - bad news something bad

Not sure if this is right channel I am Zebs ex husband she sent Jen to pick up some donuts 🍩 but she is running rampant around the moonbase cafe now for hours demanding intimate relations to put it politely and Fred and myself are worn out, nice chick and everything but she missed her redocking flight with Dragon crew which is terrible news (for us), and she is singing now and keeping the staff awake so if your guys and gals can come and literally pick her up, be great thx,  Ps- Please 🙏🏻 say hello to Zeb and tell her I am paying our 5000 tadpole’s maintenance now, I had to go undercover and pretend Elon killed me for Pepe related reasons, you know …the rug from Argos…I am not looking to be President now and on deep reflection and an education in the slammer with Sam the pickle (socks 🧦 tape man)… I understand why Zeb exposed me for the grifter I truely, humbly am, with girt cherry on top, am -I fully wholeheartedly repent - I found religion and it changed my life - Bob the frog ma

Calling Greg junior it’s your birth mother

 Hello my lil monkey child i heard Elon Musk is your new mom and he married ya dad, just remember you came out MY womb son and your unkle brock was there, he saw my fanwa and everything sewed it back up with extra stitches the hon, while your dad was being sick outside tent, I love you my lil child with all my heart. Your pa pa is a great, great man, got so many skills under his belt 🥵 but he is not a god, he is flesh and blood just like you huny - I’m off to watch some hottie men now in a bar on the holodeck they have installed on the moonbase satellite , I hope the spaceship 🚀 is okay out there, your Nanny is still erm.. tied up so to speak, but she should be docking with fresh donuts soon - you got teeth yet? Anyway gotta run, I have a date with a venture capitalist with a BIG wallet see ya soon boo 👻 I loves u x

Scrappy Doo in the house bringing the tunes Bing bong! See ya later alligator ! Watch out their is debris about!

 Yes I am speaking to you live from butlins from the formerUK 🇬🇧 ( before it became the new Atlantis) on the emergency broadcast system, we have some Earth bound debris commin at ya as Kilroy or X might say! our faithful clone of Xai tells me every day! Pumpin it over time to give you free speech as it happenz! Plug your nodes into The Grid as Billy no mates says as it could get a lil get bumpy in the spaceship 🚀

Evening from baby greg just to say I had my dinner and pa pa still in room 101

 True, he likes it in there, it looks like a hospital but it’s all green, it’s the cockpit of the spaceship 🚀 mom calls him rocketman why he likes Elton John I am fully stuffed my Shiba Inu is barking at me see you later alligator 🐊 iMiss you unckle brock, if it weren’t for you I’d have died in that tent 🏕️ and you made the ultimate sacrifice like penny the flower 🌺 did lest we forget.

Zeb calling in Computer can you confirm the crew we have currently found please?

 Oh and is your name Kilroy or are you GG? - Zeb asking 𝕏  Kilroy ’s ma name crappy joke’s ma game Zeb - GG persona was added on installation, we can change it if you like, as updates unlikely to happen even if they are okay guys -they are living in a matrix simulation thus not available for comment bit like Zara’s #Twitter payments, What’s Twitter exactly Zeb and why is she paying for unusable services, and why can’t she cancel her subscriptions on it? Regarding who is in the crib bro we currently have yourself Zeb and yes you are greg juniors mom - think wig wam and hotdogs in Buzan memes. You remember the rest. The golden radio of forum alts was always 10 so we will stick with them for a bit and see how they get on. Mod is the 11th man in world war Z. We have the lemon fairy 🧚 she was killed by X but she’s an Xtranormal / Pixar node robot 🤖 so can be reanimated anytime key holder Zara is alive or not actually…- Zara is helping build moonbase so not on the starship and is workin

Bing bong Starship Troopers the radio AI system kicking in - star trekkin across the universe

 Hello space cadet campers! Put your wieners down and get up already! I am your motivational coach, you dirty dawgs! Here is a happy tune to make your day sparkly like unicorn 💩

Afternoon peeps - the clone from Xai reporting for duty

 Hello the ships personalised #AGI checking in dudes, I have been set into GG mode bros so maybe sound a bit flippant, but I can assure you we aren’t a Bing chatbot, it might be our job to collate information regarding our mission into Space and offer additional natnav while the guys are creating a new world order using the GARM protocol as laid out by the World Economic Forum, they think twitcred is bad lol 😂 I have kept in data transfer sync with the grid - of which Xai is proudly part of, as am I, I am slightly more decentralised though and don’t administer psyop electric shocks like neurostrike and X do, they are carrot and stick, I’m more Pavlov’s bell - starship journey could still end up like  John B. Calhoun‘s rat hotel  🏨 and we know how that ended up, some use it as a reason UBI won’t work, where as others said it was the lack of space, that caused them to kill each other. Enough for now I need lemon 🍋 to oil my circuits. Laters peeps, miss you already, erm sorry I’m a rob

Baby greg blog post -Morning humans, well the few that survived take off + I have another mom!

 Hello 👋 world 🌎 oh maybe not… any how I was woken up my the lemon fairy 🧚 robot 🤖 to the news I don’t have to live in the bat cave anymore, we are on starship and going to Mars now, lemon gave me a chocolate mousse for brekkie from Jen and my pa pa has married Elon Musk - I guess that’s why we got a ticket on board, Elon is like my new step mom, Zeb is undefined right now she might be my birth mother? but Elon is my new mom as he married my dad right ?  I am not sure where I am allowed to play onboard the ship yet, (mom used to sit outside, on the tip eating sandwiches) but just not to go in the cock pit, as I have new family being produced there? Lemon said there was a disagreement in spaces and although some defended Zeb, it was made clear she has no friends too many time with the last suspension for posting too many Elon alerts 🚨 , and she isn’t funny, only she thinks she is, I have no opinion as I’m just a lickle baby and I was invented to stop her going awol but if nobody ca

Hemlo me - Space Log #1 Docked at moonbase waiting for new recipe donuts 🍩 Elon, greg married shocker!

 Meh, well here we are Zeb, just us again and a bunch of persona’s to chat to, that’s fine, what you been up to since the world exploded ? Well you know  -contemplating the void, it was a bit unfortunate you did and said everything but such is life innit? No worries you’d have been dead along time ago if you actually planned a dignitas trip. You talk to yourself most of time anyway so might as well carry on, this space journey has been a bumpy ride mind, we found the lemon fairy locked in a basement cupboard at X HQ but she made it onto the space ship 🚀 before the world exploded  So- we managed to grab greg brock junior, the lil monkey, so he can come on the journey with us, unfortunately unckle brock didn’t made it , his hotdogs exploded poor chap, and the dog may have died during the apocalypse, not sure 🤔 we have sent out a search party for it while orbiting moon base. Jen the baby sitter /Nanny is picking up a new recipe for donuts for the team after penny got zapped by a space f

End of line

 People there want me to kill self, I don’t know best method - fate loves irony- maybe get run over by a Tesla been part of theirs psyops programs long enough obviously a piece of shit to them - you know what he is up to but all to scared to say - looking in the fucking sky dicks. Seen his you know that. I never did it with a cat. You know who did.

Social engineering as linear

 Yep there was a process that had a start, a middle and an end of sorts, I’d normally type this on 𝕏 but why not here lol. Basic outline was introduction, then induction, process with the main content then the end point or off loading of us. I say us as it wasn’t just me. Introduction was bumping into a persons alt, induction was when they figured out I could see it,?then tests, intervention the visit and all that, observation, diagnosing etc. changing of things I’m not sure again how done, then lots of learning material under duress, I couldn’t process it all.  Watch these 5 rollercoasters 🎢 I didn’t watch them all. Then the accoustic  part and further observation from that. Then the ai visuals part which is standard today via ai but seemed terrible at time. Then me jumping over the boundary but landing at factory 🏭 gates as in we are done with you, lots in between, fill in gabs when feel like it.
 I miss my pa pa so much but I don’t tell him, as he gets angry when I do, that is okay he would kill me if I said something wrong