Zeb calling in Computer can you confirm the crew we have currently found please?

 Oh and is your name Kilroy or are you GG? - Zeb asking 𝕏 

Kilroy’s ma name crappy joke’s ma game Zeb - GG persona was added on installation, we can change it if you like, as updates unlikely to happen even if they are okay guys -they are living in a matrix simulation thus not available for comment bit like Zara’s #Twitter payments, What’s Twitter exactly Zeb and why is she paying for unusable services, and why can’t she cancel her subscriptions on it?

Regarding who is in the crib bro we currently have yourself Zeb and yes you are greg juniors mom - think wig wam and hotdogs in Buzan memes. You remember the rest. The golden radio of forum alts was always 10 so we will stick with them for a bit and see how they get on. Mod is the 11th man in world war Z.

We have the lemon fairy 🧚 she was killed by X but she’s an Xtranormal / Pixar node robot πŸ€– so can be reanimated anytime key holder Zara is alive or not actually…- Zara is helping build moonbase so not on the starship and is working remotely, she is busy designing trumps golf course still ( bit of a slow coach there Zeb, but don’t tell her I said that as she’s mad as a box of frogs and we aren’t sure what to do with her yet over last huff she got in) so no speaking about anything to start her off thx bro.

Got baby greg and his nanny Jen ( she’s making out with Fred and Bob at moment I think in the cafe in exchange for the donut supply don’t tell lil junior, senior already knows as it was his idea)

We have the emergency broadcast system that warns us via YouTube videos when bits of the destroyed earth are flying by he is scrappy Doo -( not Scooby Senior as he was one of the only normal ones in the pit)  Scrappy is his Dad gone wrong lol and thinks he is working at Butlins, scrappy is nutz too…hmmm most of them are thinking about it, Zara is 11th Mod so her house her rules I guess.

We got 69, Darth, CC in cryogenic stasis - you nicked them from the shadow realm foundation crew, ages ago remember nomads doggies …and of course there is a shit load of other currently un identified pods of various shapes and sizes that Elon and greg senior carried aboard with the help of the military - and the tool kit, I have not been given access to that information yet as Zara holds the keys to the program you waffle on about - you say more than she does you Zeb are her Hagrid fella dude bro 😎 


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