Social engineering as linear

 Yep there was a process that had a start, a middle and an end of sorts, I’d normally type this on 𝕏 but why not here lol.

Basic outline was introduction, then induction, process with the main content then the end point or off loading of us.

I say us as it wasn’t just me.

Introduction was bumping into a persons alt, induction was when they figured out I could see it,?then tests, intervention the visit and all that, observation, diagnosing etc. changing of things I’m not sure again how done, then lots of learning material under duress, I couldn’t process it all. 

Watch these 5 rollercoasters 🎒 I didn’t watch them all.

Then the accoustic  part and further observation from that.

Then the ai visuals part which is standard today via ai but seemed terrible at time. Then me jumping over the boundary but landing at factory 🏭 gates as in we are done with you, lots in between, fill in gabs when feel like it.


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