Calling Greg junior it’s your birth mother

 Hello my lil monkey child i heard Elon Musk is your new mom and he married ya dad, just remember you came out MY womb son and your unkle brock was there, he saw my fanwa and everything sewed it back up with extra stitches the hon, while your dad was being sick outside tent, I love you my lil child with all my heart.

Your pa pa is a great, great man, got so many skills under his belt πŸ₯΅ but he is not a god, he is flesh and blood just like you huny - I’m off to watch some hottie men now in a bar on the holodeck they have installed on the moonbase satellite , I hope the spaceship πŸš€ is okay out there, your Nanny is still erm.. tied up so to speak, but she should be docking with fresh donuts soon - you got teeth yet? Anyway gotta run, I have a date with a venture capitalist with a BIG wallet see ya soon boo πŸ‘» I loves u x


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