Hemlo me - Space Log #1 Docked at moonbase waiting for new recipe donuts 🍩 Elon, greg married shocker!

 Meh, well here we are Zeb, just us again and a bunch of persona’s to chat to, that’s fine, what you been up to since the world exploded ?

Well you know  -contemplating the void, it was a bit unfortunate you did and said everything but such is life innit? No worries you’d have been dead along time ago if you actually planned a dignitas trip.

You talk to yourself most of time anyway so might as well carry on, this space journey has been a bumpy ride mind, we found the lemon fairy locked in a basement cupboard at X HQ but she made it onto the space ship πŸš€ before the world exploded 

So- we managed to grab greg brock junior, the lil monkey, so he can come on the journey with us, unfortunately unckle brock didn’t made it , his hotdogs exploded poor chap, and the dog may have died during the apocalypse, not sure πŸ€” we have sent out a search party for it while orbiting moon base.

Jen the baby sitter /Nanny is picking up a new recipe for donuts for the team after penny got zapped by a space force laser (by accident) when it misfired from a starlink satellite , we found your ex husband the frog by the way, he has been working in the cafe with Fred. and not killed by Elon as you thought.

The big E ( snugglebuns) and greg senior have got married btw and are currently in the cockpit of star ship making a new race to populate Mars using suction pumps and Petri dishes 🧫 quite noisy in there, despite it beeping green room sound proofed with that special paint not sure why they are in gimp suits tbh, their niche I guess ?

Microsoft Man and Mark Zuckerberg have given Zara ( remember her the emotional one ?) or most likely one of the personas to continue talking about the program. …You remember that one that ended the whole world using the dodgy AI dataset that the military downloaded from E’s brain 🧠 that time, he is high on Ketamine so doesn’t care so much as usual (and busy making cat girls) with greg senior in the honeymoon suite- “feel free to use the web as your oyster” was bill gates exact words. “our grid is your grid” Mark just giggled 🀭 as usual - don’t let her in lol πŸ˜‚ . Jen sent over this chocolate moose for baby greg for breakfast while pa pa is busy doing crispr with Elon on the dead cat 🐈‍⬛ they found in the raptor engines. Enjoy lil greg monkey, atleast you got your pa pa right ?


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